Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Continuous Dribble

Here are some bold words originally from 5/25/09; my first blog post.

As you can see, this blog came to life in May '09. So how come it has posts from before that time?

Well, this one was back-dated to make it my first statement. Posts from February and March originally appeared on my website. But by the time April came around, and I was writing another comment on current events, it just didn't seem right anymore. My googleSite was starting to accumulate pages that didn't belong on a web site.

That's when I started to understand the difference between a blog and a website. My website is the book I've been trying to write for 30 years. It presents what I see as a coherent new economic theory. It offers an idea that is complete in itself. Once the idea is expressed with sufficient detail and clarity, the website will be complete.

This blog looks at events in our world from the perspective described by the website. Each entry here is my response to something current or recent. Thus, there is no point at which the blog can be complete.

Anyway, February's The $787B stimulus and March's The Big T were originally published on the website. In April, when I was writing Dunderheads, I noticed that these posts were coming out in a continuous dribble. And it just didn't seem to belong on the website.

So then, in May, I started setting up this blog. It soon became a home for those posts that didn't belong on the site. And that is how the blog got posts from before the blog existed.

Anyway, Happy New Year....

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The spam filter's been acting up again lately. I'm aware, and checking it often.
Oh, what fun they must have with this at Blogger!