Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Point of Information

Double-checking FRED's "reserves" list for this morning's post, I noticed that there are two items listed as "Board of Governors Total Reserves" -- one of then adjusted for changes in reserve requirements, the other not adjusted.

What's the difference?


  1. You might find this chart interesting

    from *****US Banks Operating Without Reserve Requirements*****

    Your curves basically go to highlight Keen, Mitchell and the MMT people's viewpoint that bank reserves/deposits have no bearing upon their lending. Bank lending is effectively constrained by the demand for loans, and not the reserves/deposits on hand.

  2. Hi, Clonal.
    "You might find this chart interesting"

    I did!

    DeCarbonnel's article still sounds to me like a list of financial innovations that ought to be un-done. He seems comfortable with it, but I don't see how.

    "Your curves basically go to highlight Keen, Mitchell and the MMT people's viewpoint..."

    :) It is the same economy we're looking at, after all. Those who Keen, Mitchell, MMT, and I generally disagree with -- Say's law people, say -- are looking at a different economy I think, the 19th century economy. Oh, and I also think Say's law was probably valid in the 19th century.

  3. Art -

    In comments at your 6/20/10 link you say, "I did read the Mises Daily for a while... Robert Murphy is good."

    No, he's not. In common with all Austrians and Libertarians, his thinking is constrained by ideology and not open to reality. I read him for a few days, then gave up.


  4. :) you just won't let me be polite to those guys... Let's say he's the most readable of the Mises writers I tried to read.

    I have trouble making statements like "his thinking is constrained by ideology" because I'm always afraid it might apply to me, too. I spend so much time trying to avoid it, that the people I agree with usually don't agree with me!


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Oh, what fun they must have with this at Blogger!