Sunday, February 12, 2012

Alan B. Krueger: The Rise and Consequences of Inequality

From a Whitehouse blog

(Click the four-arrows icon in the lower right corner for a full-screen version.)


  1. A few observations:

    Break point in Fig 1 - 1979.

    Fig 6 - effectively illustrates the shrinkage of the middle class.

    Fig 9 takes no notice of finance sector capture of wealth, rentier activities, and lack of regulation; unless these are considered "technological change."

    Fig 11 - "Despite large tax cuts" Why not say "Due to large tax cuts?" The canard that tax cuts are growth enhancing is a neoliberal fantasy. Where's my unicorn?

    You want some dynamism - put in a robust safety net, so that taking a risk and failing doesn't lead to total personal disaster.


  2. But Jazz, didn't you get that warm & cuddly feeling just because our government seems to care about inequality???

    Good observations.

  3. I get my warm cuddlies a little closer to home.

    Government cares about inequality about 1% as much as it should.



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