Saturday, May 3, 2014

A way in to Minsky

At Debtwatch, a 16-minute talk by Steve Keen -- Oh! the accent reminds me of our computer guy at work.

Keen uses his Minsky software to model the economy under austerity and stimulus. It wasn't awesome, but I don't wish I could have my 16 minutes back.

Anyway, you can download both Minsky and the model from the link. Excellent, if you've been thinking about experimenting with Minsky.

19+ meg, as a zip file. Wow.

I'll let you know how it works out.


  1. "Error reading the file" during installation. Well that didn't take long.

  2. Second try: download aborted.

    Third try: same error as the first.

    Meanwhile, the lawn is growing.

    R.I.P. Minsky

  3. Had the same problem, but tried a trick I have used before. Go to the exe file and click on it. You might get a note that additional files will have to extract when this finishes go back to the msi file. I got mine to load and I was able to download the file and run the model.


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