At FRED, in the search box I type TOTAL CREDIT MARKET DEBT and press ENTER.
I get a list of 32 data series (as of 16 July 2011) including TCMDO, debt owed.
There is also debt owed by Domestic Nonfinancial sectors, and debt owed by Domestic Financial sectors.
I still think it emphasizes our flawed focus, that these two sectors are called financial and non-financial, rather than financial and productive, or maybe non-productive and productive. I think it says a lot about the way we look at things and what's wrong with our economy.
In addition to Domestic Financial and Domestic Nonfinancial, there is one non-domestic category: Foreign Sectors - Rest of the World Credit Market Instruments, Excluding Corporate Equities Liability.
The domestic categories are subdivided. Under Domestic Nonfinancial one finds
- Household sector
- Federal Government
- State and Local Governments
- Farm Business
- Nonfarm Noncorporate Business
- Nonfinancial Corporate Business
Under Domestic Financial one finds
- Agency- and GSE-backed Mortgage Pools
- Government-Sponsored Enterprises
- ABS Issuers
- Commercial Banking
- Commercial Banking, U.S.-Chartered Commercial Banks
- Commercial Banking, Bank Holding Companies
- Commercial Banking, Foreign Banking Offices in U.S.
- Funding Corporations
- Brokers and Dealers
- Saving Institutions
- Finance Companies
- Life Insurance Companies
- Credit Unions
In addition to these, there are BofAML categories. All of these categories end with the phrase "Plus Sub-Index Total Return Index Value", which I have removed (after having typed them all in) to make the list more readable:
- Public Sector Issuers Emerging Markets Corporate
- Private Sector Issuers Emerging Markets Corporate
- Non-Financial Emerging Markets Corporate
- Financial Emerging Markets Corporate
- Public Sector Issuers US Emerging Markets Liquid Corporate
- Private Sector Issuers US Emerging Markets Liquid Corporate
- Non-Financial US Emerging Markets Liquid Corporate
- Financial US Emerging Markets Liquid Corporate
But these all turn out to be some "index" measure. Not some portion of total debt.

Just your typical Saturday morning exercise.
I sometimes feel it's all intentionally complex, to keep the punters from understanding the shell game. Paranoia, I guess.
I just wish I could change those stupid flower graphics to plain dots, when I make lists!
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