It is astonishing what foolish things one can temporarily believe if one thinks too long alone...

What Maynard is telling us here is that if you want to understand the economy, you are going to have to do a lot of independent thinking.
He is telling us what he did.
And, yes: I'm telling you what I do.
I think he's telling us that without a reality check, you can talk yourself into believing in green sky, red grass, and supply side economics.
Yeah, of course he is. That's the obvious part :) But the thing I missed for 30+ years is the "it's what he did" part.
The quickest way to build a wrongstory is to adopt the wrong ideas of others. And that, I think, is how economics got into trouble: by building on Milton Friedman's ideas instead of doubting them.
The quickest way to build a wrongstory is to adopt the wrong ideas of others. And that, I think, is how economics got into trouble: by building on Milton Friedman's ideas instead of doubting them.
My quote of the day.
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