Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How Groups Work

I looked into how groups work a long time back. There's something there, though I'm not sure it's in my grasp.

Steve Randy Waldman writes

Functional nation states generally try to reduce the salience of socioethnic difference in favor of a national identity.

That's the crux of it. A successful group, a successful nation, is successful because non-members want to become members. Not like the UK leaving the EU, and not like Scotland leaving the UK.

I'm pretty sure the way to get people joining your group is to have the best economy.

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

Another link -- and again the link is to Steve Randy Waldman:

Election angst

SRW: "Regular readers will be unsurprised that I think economic stratification and differential stagnation are the deepest sources of fragmentation and the first that we should address."

I agree: The way to get people joining your group is to have the best economy.